New films from young directors are bursting with mysticism and mystery. Films where the themes are dreams, desires, tough choices, and excruciating silence. What is worth the risk? Is it that woman? Did Laika really stay in space? Can a relationship that is just beginning already be on the rocks? Serious and intense themes are lightened with fun and spark by a little Tinder adventure by the seashore. Directors: Leeni Linna, Teresa Vali, Jaanika Arum, Meisterjaan
1h 24min
Release Date: 03.04.2024
1h 24min
Release Date 03.04.2024
„Dark Paradise” tells a story of a spoiled and messed up Karmen (Rea Lest), whose safety net suddenly falls apart and she is forced to face the darkness and emptiness of the universe. More issues arise from her complicated relationship with her halfbrother Viktor (Jörgen Liik), whose inner world has been thrown upside down due to his beliefs and understandings of relationships with loved ones.
1h 48min
Release Date: 22.09.2023
1h 48min
Release Date 22.09.2023
It’s the summer of 1990. The Soviet Union is teetering on the verge of collapse, while the little Baltic nations struggle to take back their lost independence. The Soviet Union`s basketball championship is set to begin on the backdrop of a deeply divided society. The Estonian team Kalev faces a momentous decision. With Estonian independence seemingly within reach, a rising tide of public opinion opposes the Estonian national team’s participation in the USSR’s championship. That would contradict the people’s aspirations for liberation.
1h 34min
Release Date: 23.09.2022
1h 34min
Release Date 23.09.2022
Thriller “The Sleeping Beast” tells the story of a group of children spending their summer in a sleepy hamlet, where their only entertainment is simply hanging around and climbing in an abandoned manufacturing facility, until they are forbidden to do that. The gang’s boss Kristjan and his friends Ariel, Loore, Mia-Margot and Siim decide to ignore the ban. This decision changes their lives and friends face a grim confrontation. They need to answer the question – what is right and what is wrong?
1h 41min
Release Date: 29.04.2022
1h 41min
Release Date 29.04.2022
A film with three parts, two characters and one obsession: to prevent the past from taking over
1h 15min
Release Date: 29.03.2019
1h 15min
Release Date 29.03.2019
Ühel unisel laupäevahommikul saab 30-aastane ehitaja Erik jalustrabava uudise: endine tüdruksõber Moonika, keda mees pole pool aastat näinudki, on just lapse sünnitanud. Tüdruku. Naine ise pole emaduseks valmis ja kui mees last endale ei taha, läheb tüdrukuke lapsendamisele. Võta või jäta! Võta või jäta on lugu Eriku pikast, keerulisest ja kohati koomilisest isaks kasvamise teekonnast. Lugu, mille käigus tavalisest eesti mehest saab igapäevaelu kangelane, Superman, kes on oma isaduse eest valmis küünte ja hammastega võitlema. Mis teeb isast isa? Film valmib Eesti Vabariigi 100. sünnipäevaks.
1h 42min
Release Date: 14.09.2018
1h 42min
Release Date 14.09.2018
1h 45min
Release Date 08.04.2016
Urmas Eero Liiv’s feature film “Must alpinist” (Ghost Mountaineer) is a youth film with elements of horror which is based on real life events which took place during the Soviet era. It tells the story of an Soviet Estonian student hiking group which gets caught up in a series of scary events unfolding in wintry Siberia. The unpopular group leader Olle (Reimo Sagor), who becomes disappointed in his companions during the trip, disappears on the last day in the mountains.
1h 43min
Release Date: 27.11.2015
1h 43min
Release Date 27.11.2015