Comedy "Faulty Brides" by Ergo Kuld is based on a story of the same title by legendary Estonian writer Eduard Vilde, dating back to 1888. It was previously made into a film in 1929 (from which only some excerpts have survived) and also into a popular television play in 1989. This time, the story has been adapted by screenwriter Ott Kilusk. According to director Ergo Kuld, Eduard Vilde's humour is timeless and the story is still exciting to work with today. “Faulty Brides is a great source material that can be used in any era to make a modern film that will make the audience laugh.
1h 15min
В кинотеатрах с : 06.10.2023
1h 15min
В кинотеатрах с 06.10.2023