In 1933, a young woman leaves her rural home to chase her dream of becoming a writer in the city. She takes a job as a maid for a middle-aged printing house owner who quickly starts pursuing her romantically. They marry, but his passionate declarations of love soon turn cold. As political tensions rise in the country, their love story unfolds in a divided society, revealing toxic behaviours and power games that start innocently but lead to dire consequences. “Life and Love” is a debut feature film by award-winning director Helen Takkin, who has previously directed short films and commercials.
1h 59min
Release Date: 16.02.2024
1h 59min
Release Date 16.02.2024
13-aastased Oliver ja Sass meisterdavad tööõpetuse tunnis ninakujulise prillihoidja, mis äratab ootamatult salapärase suurinvestori huvi. Samal ajal näeb Oliveri hiljuti koondatud isa vaeva, et leida uus ametikoht. Poisid on iseseisvaks äriajamiseks aga liiga noored ning nii tekibki Oliveril plaan, kuidas kaks kärbest ühe hoobiga tabada – nad palkavad oma firmat juhtima Oliveri isa ning päästavad seeläbi ka vanemate karile sõitnud abielu! Konks on aga selles, et Oliveri isa ei tea, et töötab oma poja ja tolle sõbra Sassi heaks.
1h 27min
Release Date: 20.10.2023
1h 27min
Release Date 20.10.2023
"Stairway to Heaven" is written and directed by Mart Kivastik. The film is based on Kivastik's novel of the same name, which was published in 2019. "Stairway to Heaven" is a story about time and music, friendship and love, death and life today and in the childhood of the 70s. The story begins when a friend reveals with his final breath to protagonist Uu a secret, teaching him to go into the past. Uu is an engineer and does not believe in magic, but the trick actually works. The past is nice: eternal summer, long hair, girls, and Jenkki chewing gum.
1h 47min
Release Date: 03.03.2023
1h 47min
Release Date 03.03.2023
Andrus Kivirähki raamatute “Kaka ja kevad”, "Karneval ja kartulisalat" ja „Tont ja Facebook“ ainetel valminud täispikas animafilmis astuvad üles Kivirähki lugudest tuntud tegelased kaka, frikadellid, isa sokid, musikaalne sitikas ning paljud teised vähem ja rohkem kummalised tegelinskid. Animeeritud tegelastega kõrvu teeb filmis näitlejadebüüdi juttude autor Andrus Kivirähk. Tänapäeva laste eluga hästi haakuv linalugu puudutab suuri aegadeüleseid teemasid nagu sõprus, armastus, igatsus, perekond ja hirm, millel on sageli suured silmad.
1h 11min
Release Date: 10.02.2023
1h 11min
Release Date 10.02.2023
It’s the summer of 1990. The Soviet Union is teetering on the verge of collapse, while the little Baltic nations struggle to take back their lost independence. The Soviet Union`s basketball championship is set to begin on the backdrop of a deeply divided society. The Estonian team Kalev faces a momentous decision. With Estonian independence seemingly within reach, a rising tide of public opinion opposes the Estonian national team’s participation in the USSR’s championship. That would contradict the people’s aspirations for liberation.
1h 34min
Release Date: 23.09.2022
1h 34min
Release Date 23.09.2022
In the second film of medieval thriller, the night watchman is frightened by a terrible ghost - the tragically drowned daughter of a rich merchant. In the morning, the guard has fallen to death from a high tower and several more people lose their lives in suspicious accidents. Investigating these events, Melchior's paths cross with a prostitute, a priest, a foreign artist and a mad heretic. The clues take him to the Pirita Convent, which gloomy vaults hide a dangerous secret buried in oblivion.
1h 29min
Release Date: 19.08.2022
1h 29min
Release Date 19.08.2022
In medieval Tallinn, the famous knight of the Order who freed the Baltic Sea from pirates is murdered. The hero's head is chopped off and his mouth is stuffed with coins. The gold chain he bought the same day is missing. The Sheriff orders Melchior the Apothecary, who can talk to the dead, to investigate the crime. The clever young man discovers that the murdered knight was looking for a mysterious "Prisoner of Tallinn" and clues lead to the Dominican monastery. A terrible series of crimes is unleashed - anyone who comes into contact with this secret is in danger.
1h 38min
Release Date: 15.04.2022
1h 38min
Release Date 15.04.2022
Physics’ doctor Sandra Mets (Mari Abel) suddenly loses her job. Finding a new job seems easy at first, but turns out to be a tragi-comic experience. Endless job interviews introduce the main character to many different situations and personas from grotesque entrepreneur to fearless start-up managers. Otherwise thoughtful Sandra finds herself in a world of hypocrisy and strange power. She needs to adapt to new situations and people, but still has to ask how to remain herself.
1h 36min
Release Date: 24.09.2021
1h 36min
Release Date 24.09.2021
The Judge (Mait Malmsten) is a man who represents strict rules and laws in the courtroom. However, his own personal life is an absolute mess. After the judge makes a decision to give a long prison sentence to a woman, the woman’s brother (Märt Avandi) starts following the judge to change his mind about the verdict. The judge stays adamant. The verdict is final. A conflict takes place between the men, resulting in the judge suddenly becoming a criminal himself.
1h 35min
Release Date: 06.09.2019
1h 35min
Release Date 06.09.2019
1h 30min
Release Date 25.01.2019
Kevadel EFTAga pärjatud Anna Hintsi lühifilmis “Jää” mängib Mait Malmsten süütunde käes vaevlevat Harrit, kes pole peale lahutust oma 10-aastase pojaga (Aksel Ojari) piisavalt aega veetnud. Et kaotatud aega tasa teha, viib ta poisi talvisele retkele üle jäise mere. Olles harjunud kõike kontrollima, seisab Harri jääväljal vastamisi jõududega, mida ta kontrollida ei suuda.
1h 33min
Release Date: 02.11.2018
1h 33min
Release Date 02.11.2018
Ühel unisel laupäevahommikul saab 30-aastane ehitaja Erik jalustrabava uudise: endine tüdruksõber Moonika, keda mees pole pool aastat näinudki, on just lapse sünnitanud. Tüdruku. Naine ise pole emaduseks valmis ja kui mees last endale ei taha, läheb tüdrukuke lapsendamisele. Võta või jäta! Võta või jäta on lugu Eriku pikast, keerulisest ja kohati koomilisest isaks kasvamise teekonnast. Lugu, mille käigus tavalisest eesti mehest saab igapäevaelu kangelane, Superman, kes on oma isaduse eest valmis küünte ja hammastega võitlema. Mis teeb isast isa? Film valmib Eesti Vabariigi 100. sünnipäevaks.
1h 42min
Release Date: 14.09.2018
1h 42min
Release Date 14.09.2018
1h 30min
Release Date 16.02.2018
This is a story of two old folks, who have spent most of their lives behind prison walls. Now, as seventy year old men, they have been granted amnesty. Both men have a passionate desire to change their lives according to certain plans. Time is one of the main characters in this story. The time that passes from one point to another and how it changes and influences human spirit and thoughts. These old prison friends Markus (Tõnu Kark) and Eduard (Sergey Makovetskiy) are not murderers and do not have blood on their hands.
1h 45min
Release Date: 05.01.2018
1h 45min
Release Date 05.01.2018
It is 1989, the final year of the Soviet era in Baltic states. In Lithuania three eighteen-year old buddies establish the Seneca’s Fellowship. Its mottos is, “Live each day as if it was your last.” A love triangle breaks up the fellowship right at the time the nation experiences an exceptional sense of community via the Baltic Chain. Twenty-five years later, the main character, who appears to be accompanied by good luck at first glance, is disillusioned with himself. He has betrayed the ideals of his youth and became a cold observer of life. Life forces him to open up his own Pandora’s box.
1h 46min
Release Date: 26.08.2016
1h 46min
Release Date 26.08.2016
1h 30min
Release Date 19.02.2016
The last year of WWII on Estonian turf. Men are fighting on the boarder of Europe and Russia. Some have been taken to the Red Army, some to Waffen SS. Today 70 years on, the filmmakers, try to show the hopes, aims and drama of these men and their loved ones as objectively as possible.
1h 40min
Release Date: 20.02.2015
1h 40min
Release Date 20.02.2015
KERTU, written and directed by Ilmar Raag ("The Class", "Une Estonienne à Paris"), is an unusual love story that takes place within a tiny village community and depicts hidden relationships of the villagers and inside one family. The film asks about a person's right to love and to happiness even if their right to make decisions has been taken away. After Midsummer's Day party Kertu (Ursula Ratasepp) goes missing without a trace. Her entire family panics because Kertu is considered to be a simpleton due to her timid and reserved nature.
1h 37min
Release Date: 11.10.2013
1h 37min
Release Date 11.10.2013
1h 58min
Release Date 09.11.2012
It’s the beginning of the hot 90’s. Ex-soviet republic of Estonia has become top metal exporter in the world. A merciless fight surrounds this criminal business. Each day brings new victims. Estonia has the highest homicide rate in Europe. This is where our story starts... Directed by Andres Puustusmaa and produced by Kristian Taska (“Names in Marble”) and Jusup Bakshiev (“Antikiller”, “Paragraph 78”). The film is based on a true story written by a former head of Estonian Central Criminal Police – Andres Anvelt.
1h 30min
Release Date: 09.04.2010
1h 30min
Release Date 09.04.2010