The story follows Jack, a highly intelligent serial killer over the course of 12 years and depicts the murders that truly develop Jack as a serial killer.
2h 32min
Release Date: 19.10.2018
2h 32min
Release Date 19.10.2018
Mads Mikkelsen (Hannibal) stars in this delirious comedy from Denmark's Anders Thomas Jensen (The Green Butchers), about two sadsack brothers who head to a dilapidated mansion on a remote island to meet their biological father — and their three seriously eccentric siblings. The most outrageous film talent to emerge from Denmark since Lars von Trier, Anders Thomas Jensen (The Green Butchers, Adam's Apples) doesn't just push boundaries: he barrels right through them and then stomps them into the ground.
1h 44min
Release Date: 11.09.2015
1h 44min
Release Date 11.09.2015
The continuation of Joe's sexually dictated life delves into the darker aspects of her adult life and what led to her being in Seligman's care.
2h 0min
Release Date: 31.01.2014
2h 0min
Release Date 31.01.2014
NYMPHOMANIAC is the wild and poetic story of a woman’s erotic journey from birth to the age of 50 as told by the main character, the self-diagnosed nymphomaniac, Joe. On a cold winter’s evening the old, charming bachelor, Seligman, finds Joe beaten up in an alleyway. He brings her home to his flat where he tends to her wounds while asking her about her life. He listens intently as Joe over the next 8 chapters recounts the lushly branched-out and multi faceted story of her life, rich in associations and interjecting incidents.
2h 2min
Release Date: 03.01.2014
2h 2min
Release Date 03.01.2014
2h 16min
Release Date 12.08.2011