In Karyn Kusama’s riveting new crime thriller Destroyer, the receipt of an ink-marked bill in the office mail propels veteran LAPD detective Erin Bell (Nicole Kidman) on a perilous journey to find the murderer and gang leader, Silas (Toby Kebbell), and perhaps to finally make peace with her tortured past. Written by Phil Hay and Matt Manfredi (The Invitation, crazy/beautiful) who also produced the film alongside Fred Berger (La La Land, Operation Finale), the richly complex odyssey through the underbelly of Los Angeles and nearby desert communities reunites Bell with members of the criminal gang she once joined as an undercover FBI agent; an assignment which ended disastrously and has taken a heavy emotional and physical toll on her life.
2h 0min
Release Date: 01.03.2019
2h 0min
Release Date 01.03.2019