Good boy

Good boy

Хороший мальчик

1h 36min  |  Comedy  |  Release Date: 18.11.2016

"Good Boy" tells about six days from the life of the widely-read and – for his age quite self-confident – sixth-former Kolya Smirnov. The week begins with a kaleidoscope of events. First, Kolya falls in love with his teacher. Second, someone sets fire to the school's extension that houses the new computers. Third, the headmaster's daughter Ksiusha, who is in the year above Kolya, falls in love with him, having decided that it was Kolya who burnt down the school. Well, and to top it all, Kolya's dad declares the family's transition to 12/36 regime, which does not allow our protagonist to sleep and focus his mind. There are only a few days left until the Saturday school party, where all the characters of this comedy of human foibles and illusions will come together: the boy must sort out his love life, investigate arson, and figure out how to get along with his parents. Suddenly, the headmaster makes him an unexpected offer...

Distributor: OÜ
Director: Oksana Karas
Cast: Konstantin Habenski, Ieva Andrejevaite, Mikhail Efremov



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